
the dream: part 26 DAD& akward

the next day, i came to “work”. looking the best i could, and maybe today i could figure out what the future or summer anyways, was for Carter and me. i sat where my dad said, and then shortly after, he walked in.
“mandy, i need to go check on some of my guys down in Indian Wells. Stay in this office and lock the doors, dont let anyone in you dont know, okay?”
“Wow dad, just treat like im 5 why dont you? geez, okay whatever.”
“mandy, dont get sassy with me.”
i flashed him the biggest fake smile possible and replied, “okay dad, adios old fart.” i started giggling, then he gave me “the look”, that was all i need to know the next thing i would say, “im just kidding, its a joke, like ha ha. ha ha ha?”
he started to laugh.
“okay bye mandy.”
he left, about 5 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was Carter. I opened it and let him in.. the only think that came to mind was AKWARD

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