
The Ideal Ending

We had all decided to see The Incredible Hulk. Uck. But Jude was going so i decided to tag along. We met up at the theater at 6:00 to buy our tickets.
“Hey Kelsey! Hey Sara!” i said as we pulled up, “is Jude here yet?”
“yeah he’s right over there,” said Kelsey. I ran up behind him and threw my arms around his neck. he looked startled, and for a split second i feared i had over-stepped my boundaries, i mean we weren’t officially a couple. Ugh.
“oh hey, Lucy!” he smiled. i smiled back and i met his gaze. we stayed like that for what seemed like forever.
“hey guys! its time to go in!” Sara called out.
we went into the theater and took our seats. Jude took my hand.
“whoah,” i said, suprised, “i thought we were waiting, i thought you weren’t ready..” i was confused.
“i wasn’t ready last week, alot can change in a week”
and i was cut off when his soft lips pressed against mine.


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