
My Black Woman (JD Series)

He walked into the room, looking at his girlfriend with a confused expression on his face.
“Baby, is everything okay?” he said.
She looked at him, her eyes peirced his body
“Denise?” he said, as he wrapped his arms around her.
He felt an emotion that he never saw in his girlfriend, ever. But he wondered if he would ever meet this side of her. The strong side. Her shoulders were tensed, muscles tight, her body lanuage was very cold. He “looked” around to see her life slowly starting to fall apart, but she was staying tough. When he finally opende up his eyes, he saw her carry burdens, pain, love, money, sex, lust, dilemma, problems, confusion on her shoulders.
“What to do?” he thought.
He grabbed her, without sayin a word to her, and mentally grabbed the pains and problems off her shoulders, and he started to place them on his shoulders, his knee buckled as hers were released, she started to cry.
“Shh!” he whisper, as he took her problems & gave it to God.
“He’ll help you, just let him…”

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