

He crept the door slightly open,just enough to see her crying. He knew that she recieved a lot of mail today & the outcome may have been a depressing one.He watched her cry her heart out, knowing how she was, he knew not to interfer with her, but let her work it out & then when she was ready, she would come see him.He walked back into the kitchen, where he baked her favorite cake,strawberry marble cake, he knew this was going to come in handy later on in the night.

“Denise?” he said as he knocked on her bedroom door.
“Yes John?” she whispered.
“Are you okay? Can I come in?”
“mm Hmm”

He walked in, sat beside her & discuss her problems.
She said, “Baby, you know how I feel about depression, but I can’t help but feel depressed. I keep running into these brick walls.”
“Baby, you know what, come with me.”

John grabbed her hand & lead her into his workout room.
“Baby, just relax, we will figure out how to get you outta this mess. But for now, just relax & lay down.”
He started to rub her body…

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