
I am Brit (Confused)

Cooper looked like he was struggling with something. He turned towards me, looked me in the eye and said simply, “I love you, Brit.”
ok… that was random. And bullshit.
I rolled my eyes, “Right.”
He continued to stare at me seriously, “I’m serious. I know that’s not what it always looks like… but it’s still true. Do you remember Naira?”
I scowled, “Yes.”
“She had great eyes. Golden-brown. Just like yours,” he was smiling to himself. I just stared at him, uncomprehending. He continued through a list of names (Was there anyone he hadn’t hooked-up with?) telling me qualities that reminded him of me.
Finally, he was silent, looking at me expectantly. I took a deep breath, “What are you trying to say Cooper?”
He smiled, “Brit… those were all my favorite qualities. I wanted you, but instead, I settled for looking for something like you.”
I tried to get my mind around what he was saying. It was impossible. Cooper couldn’t actually want, actually care about anything besides sex… could he?

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