

“Can’t beat you, huh? I know someone who can.â€? Wes said, “Master Bill, he’s all yours.â€?

“Gladly.â€? Master Bill challenged Zeke as the others watched, and no one noticed Wes challenge Beka in … a different type of battle.

“No. No way am I fighting you.â€? Beka told him.

“No choice, unless you wanna fight Master.â€? He smirked at her but she didn’t speak. “That’s what I thought.â€? Wes grabbed her arm and before she could protest, they were off in another land. Beka pulled herself free seconds before Wes yelled, “NOW!â€?

He got out his bow staff and they fought Star Wars style until Beka got his bow staff. She had the upper hand now but Wes hooked his foot around her ankle, pulling her to the ground. She kicked his knee but he didn’t even flinch.

“It’s a fake.â€? he hissed, grabbing her off the ground. Wes had her in the air and she writhed.

“Okay Wes, okay I give up! Let me go!â€? Beka yelled but he didn’t let go.

“Now I can explain how the magic will be ruled. Its the newest plan.”

“Huh? What plan?”

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