
Brains or Beauty

Although the sisters were alike in both beauty and intellect, they differed in their belief of what the prince cherished most about them. Alina felt her most important and most desirable trait was her beauty, while Falina believed it to be her intellect. Each of course felt that she had the upper hand and was certain the prince would choose her.

Realizing their differences the two princesses devised a way to test the prince. Which would he choose beauty or knowledge?

The princesses knew of a magical mirror, which when gazed upon revealed the true heart of any subject. With this mirror they would be able to ascertian the heart’s desire of their beloved prince.

They of course did not possess the mirror, but desired it greatly. They beseeched their beloved prince to retrieve it for them, and promised upon his return he could choose a bride and marry her within three days.

So, the prince, with great fanfare, left upon his quest, still uncertain which princess he would choose upon his return.

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