

She was always known for being the goody two shoes. Except for her best friends, nobody really knew her. Her mother, her very best friend, knew her best. They’d sit outside and talk for an hour at least, every night. But she still didn’t know each side. She showed her true colors only at night. After the talk was over, and she had the house to herself.

Jenine walked outside onto the cold, dark, concrete porch. She looked around at the empty houses and assumed her role. A scream was heard through the foggy silence of the summer night. The faded scream that you hear at 1:45 in the morning is her. A dark figure surrounded her and consumed her shape. She was now what she was meant to be. A demoness.

She walked the empty country streets, looking around. “A death… I can feel it.” She broke into a run.

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