
I Like It

I wasn’t really interested in the subject but it was something to stop Trey from asking me questions. He enjoyed lying in the grass, my head against his chest.

To ruin the moment, he would start questioning me. I guess it’s important he really knows me but it was annoying.

So it was good we were talking about something else. Not for long though, I’ll be asking him questions soon. See how he likes it. OH! Am I good or what?

Suddenly, Trey laughed at my expression. “What’s so funny?â€? I asked him.

He calmed his laughter down, choking on his chips. “Everything you think about is played out on your face. You might as well just say it out loud.â€?

“Well … here’s what I was thinking about.â€? I stood up quickly, throwing chips at him.

“Oh!” He chucked a handful at me. I dodged some but they all ended up in the grass.

Trey was laughing hysterically. Even before I started tickling him. So here we are, normal teenagers: rolling in chip-covered grass tickling each other. If this is normal, I like it very much.

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