
The wonderful World of Ficlets challenge.

I stumbled across Ficlets, when looking at another website, about 1 year ago.
I’ve always liked to write, and at the time I was in graduate school & working as a courier, so the only writing I was doing was case studies, and my thesis.
When I was out delivering packages, I would notice things in my environment, I simply hadn’t noticed before, sometimes wierd things, like a mini stonehenge in someones yard, or people doing odd things, not bad, just different.
Also, delivering the packages themselves was always a mystery, and made me wonder a little about what was in them, and why someone was desperate enough to pay me to go and get the package in such a short time frame.
One time I even had someone photograph me as I was delivering a package, which turned out to be a wedding gift. I was oily mess, as I had been delivering car parts and tires.
I took to carrying a blank journal with me in an attempt to do some writing, but driving and writing don’t mix very well. This site became my outlet.

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