
Prandi's Obedience

Prandi had always been an obedient girl, respectful to her elders.

As soon as Prandi called her mother, her parents took control. They bought her plane ticket, wired some money into her bank account, and the best thing was, they didn’t ask any questions as to why Prandi was suddenly acquiescing to this arranged marriage.

All her mother said was, “Come home, Prandi. Let us take care of this.”

Everything was planned out, organized – the way Prandi preferred things to be. So why did she feel as though her heart had been ripped out from her chest?

After she’d seen Becca hug Jameson – and Jameson hug her back – it was as if her brain had shut down. She was restricted only to the most basic functions. Instinctively she’d called her mom. The second thing she did was change her voice message.

Jameson’s call came just as she was boarding the flight. A flight attendant looked sternly at her. “Miss, you’re going to have to turn that phone off now.”

Prandi, having always been an obedient girl, did as she was told.

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