
More to the Prophecy

I stood there watching James concentrate. After a few seconds an apple appeared in my hand. I laughed as I looked down and my name had been carved in the side of it. I turned it around for the others to see as well and they all laughed too. But their’s wasn’t a ‘haha’ funny kind of laugh it was more like a ‘haha’ uh-oh laugh.

“James..” The King began. “Your MPC powers are much more advanced then any of us have realized… Things that you havn’t already seen before or are really detailed should be very hard for you to congure up, having just discovered your powers.”

“Although..” Dailey interupted, “His powers may be advancing quickly becuase of his connection with Anya.”

James and I just starred at him in shook, a look of confusion on our faces. When Dailey saw our faces he recited,

“The Goddess will be surprising. Her powers will increase two times the speed of a normal. And as her abilities finish appearing and only have to stregthen, her other half’s powers will then begin to manifest.”

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