
Walk to Ron's

I couldn’t beleive she wasn’t home. Where could she have gone?! I thought angrily.

R, she ain’t here! >=( I sent.

well.. come to my house?

b there soon I replied.

I stormed off in the genearl direction of Ron’s house, it was just a short walk from Winter’s. Along the way I passed April’s house, the four of us had once been great friends.

I cooled off as I walked, and took my time getting to Ron’s house. We would probably jsut play his PS3 anyways… plus he could wait. I used the time to reminise of times passed. I remembered how close Winter and I had gotten as her and April driffted. I remembered countless nights spent texting with Winter, and other nights with April… trying not to hurt either of their feelings.

A cool breeze began blowing and I felt my hair brush away from my face. It was very calming.

But all too soon it ended and I was at Ron’s house. I rang the door bell and he answered… with Winter and April at his sides.

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