
The Teddy-bear of Doom Attacks!

The Teddy-bear of Doom’s beady eyes stared at me. He opend his mouth…

“I’m cuddly and so cute!” he said in a baby voice.
I screamed.
“Gimme a hug!” he walked over to me.
“Never!” I screeched and groped for something to throw at him. I picked up something and aimed for his head. It turned out that it was a glass bottle full of water. It smashed over his head (don’t ask me how, we both know he’s cushy) and then probably my worst nightmare happened next.

He grew.
And he was huuuuge.

He stomped over to me and I trembled, trapped against the wall, with no way to escape.
Then he embraced me tightly. I screamed some more. “Let go of me, you mutant child’s toy!”

I was squished into his tan stomach.
I couldn’t breathe.

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