
Starbucks Girl: Give Me a Call

“Since when?” Mona asked.

“Since, well…I have no idea. He just showed up one day, asked me how his new haircut looked…and started coming back every day since,” I explained.

“You know,” Mona began, “Maybe he just likes the mochas, didn’t you ever think about that?”

“Pssh, yeah right, Mona. He likes the mochas…he’s obviously in love with me,” I said, giving her my famous could-you-be-any-more-absurd look.

“Okay…” Mona sighed, “Whatever you say.”

“Look, do you want to meet up later or what?” I asked impatiently, crossing my arms against my chest.

“I thought I might stay home tonight. Spend some quality time with my new Wii fit and stuff, eat some pizza bagels…watch some cable,” she said with a shrug.

“Fine. I’ll be at home listening to my new Notwist album and reading that book I stole from the library if you want to call me whenever you’re done being boring,” I said smugly.

“Okay well, I’ll call you later then,” Mona laughed, “And Meg?”


“Tell Travis I said hi?”

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