

Whenever I looked over at the tree across the road, I was haunted by the echo of her screams.

My mind filled with the images of what had occured. The colours, the sounds…I couldn’t look at the tree without the nightmares coming to me again.

She was beautiful. Not the average sort of beautiful, she was the girl that all the men’s eyes followed wherever she went. The kind of girl, who no matter the time or place, she always looked stunning. If she went missing surely someone would notice…

Turns out I was wrong. No one noticed. Turns out, no one cared…

I turned away.Pondering…

Usually the people meant nothing to me; we were only related by law or blood. But…it kinda hurt, to think about her…her dyeing screams, the fact that she saw it coming and that she didn’t ever put up a fight. Only a single ear splitting scream bouncing around my head…She knew she was next.

Without a backwards glance I stalked off, no use crying over spilt milk.

my wife, my lover, my friend…is gone…

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