
Dreams of Parting

My heart was pounding against my rib cage the whole way back to the hotel as I thought about Rose. I’d let out an ocassional sigh of affection to calm the butterflies, and it went like that until we reached our room.

I took at quick shower and put on some night pants and a tee shirt, jumping into my bed and turning on the TV. I flicked around the channels until I came to one that was playing Titanic. I smiled when I heard the name ‘Rose’ spoken, and continued to watch until I fell asleep.

I dreamed of the next day, spending all of my time with her… and yet again, I dreampt of standing atop the empire state building with her, watching the magnificent sunset and holding each other close. We stayed that way for what seemed like forever, but we eventually had to part… She gave me one last warm kiss before getting into the cab.
I awoke with several tears streaming down my face, whispering her name softly to myself.

I picked up my cell phone off the bed stand and dialed her number.

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