
Summer of Love

The sun blazed turning the world a brilliant white as it reflected off the sand and waves. All around her children laughed and splashed in the rolling water and adults lounged beneath the shade of rainbow colored umbrellas. Sighing, she leaned back. A pair of strong arms surrounded her and laid a gentle kiss on her shoulder.
“It’s so hot’” she murmured
“That’s why we decided to call in sick and come down to the beach silly,” he responded

She ignored his comments and simply ran into the cooling waves. She had never expected to see him again and, yet by some miracle he had reappeared before her. After countless battles with her pride she had finally broken down,called him and convinced him to meet for coffee. He explained how he been confused with many things at the time and that he hadn’t felt he was in the proper place for a serious relationship. She glanced at him now, reposed in the July sun, cherishing the lazy summer days and lovely summer nights.

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