
Remembering Stripped Away

She sighed, looking frustrated as she turned away and walked into the other room. I stared out at the rain for a moment, wondering why life always had to be so hard. I jumped when I heard a door slam. “Paige?” I called out in surprise.When I got no answer I hurried through the house. When I couldn’t find her anywhere I started panicking, but then I caught sight of her through a window in the front of the house. Oh, so it’d been the front door she’d slammed.
I hurried out, “Paige?”
She had her back to me, her face upturned to the sky, her hands outstretched, palms upward. She didn’t reply me right away. “I like the rain,” she finally said, turning toward me. She was soaked through. Why did I have to be such a moron? She must have been standing here for at least five minutes while I’d run around inside the house.
The rain was running down her face, trickling away any traces of make-up. It was shocking how deep the bags were under her eyes. It was frightening, like her last defense had been stripped away.

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