
Leaving It All Behind (revisit old ficlet challenge)

Mariana thought about his words. They could be waiting right outside. She went to the back door instead. She whistled for Paco, the pit bull. He came loping across the yard and Mariana knew no one was out there. She shut him in and herself and the baby out.

She walked down to the corner as calmly as she could. She didn’t look back. She thought if she did she might see the thugs knocking on her door. And if she saw them, they would see her, and they might come after her.

She also didn’t look back because she knew Enrico wouldn’t be there. If he was there, she’d hear him yelling for her even now, waking the whole street. And turning around NOT seeing him would be too painful. It would mean he valued his own skin more than hers or his daughter’s.

So she didn’t look back. She could pretend he was just being brave for her, and for his daughter, by staying there and taking his punishment. He got himself into trouble, and he would not bring her or the baby into it!

She went to the bus station.

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