
Searching for a plot in a plotless story

It was dawn and the smell of… yellow was in the air…. no….. green… as I was searching for the plot of this very story i came across a dead deer…. (his name was Jo by the way) who leaped into the inchanted forest of… FROSTED FLAKES !!!!! when I then found a Pizza Hut to call my own, but then I deserted my family for the call of Austrailia when the white rabbit sent forth cupid to strike me with a 12-gage bullet and send me shooting into South Korea….. It was an intense battle with the evil aliens of eggplant!!! but we then ate some cereal and felt better creating world peace across Azeroth! That’s when I saw her….. the most beautiful hedgehog in the world, we lived happily ever after, but we still had no plot…..



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