
The Writer Braces Herself

It’s going to be a long ride. I’ve already written a page and a half in my journal; perhaps I’ll finish the entire diary by the end of the flight.

“What’s the bet you’ll write more than four pages?” a sleepy voice next to me asked, and I turned to face a half – awake Raine.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked, closing the journal, as I always did in his presence.

“Geez, I’m not a bear – I don’t go into hibernation. As a matter of fact, I will go back to sleep. Have a nice flight, Aidan.”

One day, that sarcastic, sardonic attitude of his is going to get him into hot water, if it hasn’t already.

That missing person sign has already given me more than a few thoughts as to what it could be.

Could Raine be some sort of a mercenary? He certainly had the know – how, both psychological and military.

I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

“Passengers, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard! I’m afraid there is foul weather up ahead, so please buckle up and expect rough turbulence.”


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