
Sister, Do You Know My Name?

“Wait, when did this all happen?” Vicki pressured.

“Well, obviously last night, Vick. I went out…and I met Ethan. He’s a really deck guy, he works at that one place you hate. You know, Spin Records? Well, he came over and we started talking and well, yeah. Here we are,” I explained.

“I can’t believe you let some strange guy sleep at your apartment,” Vicki said.

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” I scoffed, “Besides, we like, slept in two different rooms.”

“Oh,” Vicki sighed.

“Vick, what is it? You’ve been weird since yesterday,” I said.

“Nothing,” she replied.

“Oh, come on Vick,” I pleaded, “I just know when something is up with you, I can just sense it.”

“Since when?” She asked.

“Since when? My dear Vicki, since we were eight and Matt Hines stole my Wonder Woman Barbie and decapitated her and you kicked his ass for it. We became blood sisters that day. I think the mixing of the blood had some kind of crazy effect on us or something.”



“You’re insane.”

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