

Good choice, Harper. Just keep doing this, and you’ll be even deader than dead!

She looked around frantically, trying to hide herself, but the door swung open, and she was ready to lunge at whoever it was – but it wasn’t creepy green eyes.

It was Brad.

Just great.

Thankfully, to this brand new, sparkling ghost properties, Harper was invisible to this particular human. What made the other guy special escaped her, so she just ignored it for now.

Harper watched as Brad locked the door (he always hated people who intruded on his privacy).

She felt anger burning up in her as she stared at him.

What a cheat.

Brad sat on the chair behind his bureau, and held his head in his hands. Harper’s heartstrings twitched. Could he be feeling guilty?

Oh, he was feeling guilt, alright – but for something entirely different. Brad tore of his jacket, as if it were burning, and threw it away.

Harper bent over the article of clothing, eyes wide. If she had a heart, it would be beating hard in her sternum.

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