
the hospital

as the dream faded away
she rolled to her side
to see her boyfriend
sleeping in the chair
pulled close to her
as she sat and watched him sleep
she saw what she missed
him lips on hers
his hands on her hips
she missed everything about him
as she was thinking about him
his eyes fluttered open
with a look of suprise in them
well your up earlier than usual
he said in his half awake voice
and she said ya i woke up just to see you sleep
when she stopped talking
there was a long silence
as they stared into each others eyes
it was broken by the soft whisper of I LOVE YOU
that came from his lips
and then a yell from the distance
someone saying i want to see my daughter
as she heard these words tears rolled from her eyes
because it was her parents they had found her again
at that moment kevin her boyfriend walked out
to talk to her parents and explain why
he hadnt called them and told them
what happen to her daughter
and why the doctors wouldnt let them see there child

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