

We still had the glitter of adrenaline in our eyes and the heavy breathing from running away on such little notice.

“Now you’re really going to jail,” I teased.

She slumped against the cracked leather seat and closed her eyes, a small smile lit her face.

“Home?” I asked with a raise of my eyebrows. Her head gave a tiny bob ‘yes’.

Funny. But it felt like my home, too. A sudden phrase followed the feeling—‘Home is where the heart is.’

“Dexter.” Her strong, clear pronunciation surprised me, and I peddled the brake. My nerves, however, acclerated.

“I wanna drive.”

I was about to call her bluff when she waved me off and yanked my sleeve til I pulled over, yet again.

“I want to show you this place,” she promised, not quite meeting my eyes.

“Neither of us has money,” I reminded, reproachfull as we switched spots rather messily.

She gave me a frantic kiss on the lips before plopping in front of the wheel. My spine tingled and I had goosebumps.

“Hold up,” I said, touching her face.

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