
The Discovery {Chapter 1}

The basement was poorly lit and had a stale, thick quality hanging in the air. To a 13-year old, it was a place that begged for an adventure. To two 13-year olds, it was a temptation stronger than the odor.

But what they found in the crawlspace under the stairs, wedged against the cold stone wall, was something they were unprepared for.

“It stinks,” Bob said.

“I can tell,” Mike rolled his eyes.

“Who do you think it is?”

“How’d I know?”

“You’re older,” Bob said.

“By a minute.”

Five minutes. You’re always pointing it out.”

“I’ve never seen her,” Mike said.

“How’d you know it’s a woman?”

“The dress.”

“Oh, yeah,” Bob wrinkled his nose. “She stinks.”

“We covered that.”

“You think Dad knows?”

“Probably. It’s his house.”

“But, but maybe he’s never been to the basement. Maybe she was here before he moved in.”

“What, like a bonus?” Mike scoffed.

“I don’t know. I don’t know how houses get sold.”

“They don’t come with bodies. Besides, With that stink, Dad would’ve found her by now.”

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