
Gnawing At Her Soul

The middle aged woman sat once again on her bed in her underwear thinking. It was quiet in her house, the children were all gone different places, except the youngest who was upstairs sleeping. Birds were chirping outside and the dogs were all busy with their fleas. Life was still too mundane for her. The middle aged woman knew something was in store for her that would be great. She could feel it in her bones. What was it? Would it come soon enough to stop the impatience from gnawing at her soul. She tried so hard not to pace while she waited for the unknown. She sat on the bed. She tried to sleep at night-but couldn’t. Why was she so jittery? She completed everything that could be done. Now all she could do was hurry up & wait. Shit! She detested waiting. Standing it no longer, the middle aged woman jumped up from the bed, snatched sweats & ran to the door. She pulled it open and ran down the stairs. Grabbing keys off the hook, she jumped into the Vet and sped off. “Aw, Hell no! I still got fight.”

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