
Wacky Dream that You Can't Beat

When I was about six years old, don’t ask me how I still remember this, but I swear it’s true, I had the wackiest dream ever.

I was in a forest, on this really big wooden platform the was elevated above the ground about 12 feet, along with the stars of this 1990s telugu (indian language) movie that I saw once. They were all in their costumes, but the main protagonist was dressed as a woman. I was star-struck (not so wacky), and I sat to the edge of the platform, thinking why the heck am I here. Then, a pack of wolves show up, and all the people on the platform group together near the middle in fright. Suddenly, I realize that my great-grandmother is there (yes she was alive when I was six, and still is now). The wolves go away, and I walk to the edge to see if all is clear. Another wacky point, a six year old goes to the edge and not any of the adult characters in my dream. Anyway I go to the edge, and I feel like I get a sudden push. I fall down, miraculously unhurt. The guy from the movie reaches for me…

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