
Detective Keen Gets on the Trail (detective/Twilight Zone challenge)

Detective Keen spent days researching the scientist’s death. He read all of the ancient news articles, pulled the paper copies of the police files, interviewed his only friend, and ex-family, and finally was able to steal an old black book from the box of his belongings his wife had stashed in the garage. The man was all but forgotten.

He called every number in the book. Most of the people hung up on him at the mention of the poor guy’s name. Several didn’t know he was dead. One senile old lady talked endlessly about her cats!

But one individual gave a wicked laugh and told Detective Keen all about his college days and how he had discovered the secret ingredient first, and the deceased scientist had stolen it. Keen turned on his answering machine and recorded the whole conversation on tape.

The old roomie hadn’t had contact with the deceased since college, and had told Keen that the man had taken the formula to Krylonite Labs.

Keen thanked him and hung up. He made an appointment with Krylonite for Friday

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