
Life and Times of Lorraine Dakota- part 3

“So are you going to be there tonight?” I was on the phone with Andrew, asking about the football game tonight.
“Yeah, I’m going to be there. Why wouldn’t I?” I laughed. Anybody who was anybody went to the football games. Most of the time the games weren’t watch for our team was terrible. “Ok, see you there Andrew.”
“Bye Lorraine.” I hung up my cellphone and after a bit of thinking groaned. Naturally Peyton’s girlfriend, Bailee, was going to be there. She’s in marching band. God, I hated that girl so much. She was perfect in every which way, which made my skin crawl. She had even stolen the one person that I had first loved: Peyton. But that was ancient history. I had Andrew now, whom I was going to hang out with at the football game tonight. I shrilled with glee at the very thought. I then bustled through my room trying to make myself look presentable, which was a very hard thing to do. When I thought I was decent I yelled downstairs to my parents and then had them begin driving me to the stadium.

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