

The sun set hours ago, but it was still light. Standing on the cliff, she could still see the it on her arms, and on her hands. She couldnt move. It seemed like the sky had her in a daze. The voices in her head told her to do it. They told her that they were evil, that they were going to send her away. The voices, the voices, the voices. Oh, how she wanted to shut them out and make them go away but the voices in her head seemed to control her move. She couldn’t talk without them screaming, telling her what to say. She couldn’t walk without them telling where to go. “Tara, its’s time to clean up the mess”, the voices said. She didn’t move at first. She was still looking off into the sky. ”* TARA , CLEAN UP THIS MESS .YOU CAN ’T IGNORE ME ”, the voices screamed. “Stop, leave me alone. They weren’t evil” she screamed at the top of her lungs.” They weren’t gonna send me away. They loved me. you dnt love me. * GET OUT OF MY HEAD . LEAVE ME ALONE .” She walked to the end of cliff, and jumped….

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