
Important Job (Haunted House challenge)

The gray lady floated between the floors. She had made herself a tiny orb, like a floating head, almost imperceptible. She didn’t want to scare the children, so quietly immersed in their colorful books.

She had taken care of this library for hundreds of years. It was her home. She loved the people, and how they had changed. But she loved the books most of all.

Sometimes she would unshelve them, to get someone’s attention, for reasons of her own. Reasons the humans, in their dimension, would never know.

The truth is, she was guarding a secret. A secret no human, mortal, could ever understand. A secret that had to be hidden from the unearthly realms and other dimensions. Anytime anyone, living or dead, or other-worldy, came close, she used her abilities to turn them away.

She never frightened the humans, they were too important. They carried a horrible scent to those from some dimensions. They were too imperceptive, even the scientists, they almost upset the balance she worked so hard to maintain.

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