
Life and Times of Andrew Beck- part 4

Today was Thursday. And Thursday meant soccer games. So yeah, I was pretty pysched for it. I wore my entire uniform…well almost. I ran up to Drew and John excitedly, “You guys ready for the game?!”
“Of course.” John said immdiatly. But Drew seemed distracted. “Drew?”
“Are you ready for that sight over there Andy?” Drew asked while pointing in some direction. My eyes followed where his finger was pointing to see Nick and Lorraine sitting together, laughing. “What the fuck? What is that all about?!”
“Do you think we know?!” I continued watching the strange event unfurl before me. Everyone could tell Lorraine was getting bigger in the stomach, being as the little devil was getting bigger and bigger inside her.
“So…so you jealous?” John asked. I had to keep from punching him in the face at that statement, “What are you talking about?! Jealous?! No! i actually pity Nick. Lorraine is a total slutty bitch.”
“The why did you get her preggo?”
”...Because…” Then the teachers dismissed us from the lunchroom.

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