
You Look Like Rain [Theme Song Challenge]

Your mind and your experience call to me. You have lived and your intelligence is sexy.

There she is, across the room talking to her friend, you know, the one that thinks I’m a jerk because I spilled a soda on her that one time. But… her. She’s gorgeous and smart, big blue eyes and that smile. What do I do?

I want to know what you’ve got to say

She’d never go out with me. She’s too good to be true. Oh crap, she caught me staring. She smiled, and now she’s walking over here (i think i just peed a little)! What do I say? What’s the coolest thing I could say right now? Think, damn you, think!

I can tell you taste like the sky cause you look like rain.”


“I’m sorry I smell, I think I’ve gone insane?”

“Oh, Ben, you’re funny. That’s why I like you.”

“You, you do?”

“I do. I just wanted to say hi. I’ll see you monday in Trig?”

“Uh, yeah, definitely. Good, good luck on the test!”

I did it… I talked to her… she likes me? Likes me? I’m funny!

Yea you look like rain

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