
Well Directed Action

A sea of dark blue and black suits swept this way and that within a space hardly fit to contain them. What was once a fashionable place to have tea had now become a hastily constructed command center. This new hub teemed with activity, humming with beeps and clicks.

A new figure stood in the entrance, practically occupying the entire doorway. He breathed deep into massive lungs and surveyed the scene. It was a thing of beauty, a well-oiled machine.

A problem. A solution.

A crisis. Well directed action.

Keen blue eyes noted each individual. This one is dutiful. That one is bluffing, hardly aware of what needs to be done.

One of the observed drones stopped, turning with wide eyes magnified behind glasses to regard this new arrival. A petite woman, she had to look markedly up into the roughly featured face, pointing her neat bun almost to the floor. Her narrow mouth widened ever so slightly into a smile.

“Oh, hello,” she said, straightening to attention, “You must be Special Agent Lefleur.”

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