
We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled..(challenge) Lubricat-All

Couple sits on porch swing, it starts squeaking, the couple frowns, disgusted.

They get up and open the door to enter their house and it squeaks also. They look at each other and over-exaggerate a puckered “oh no!”

Announcer voice over begins..

“Are you tired of obnoxious squeaks, creaks, and squeals from your home?
Try new Lubricat-All!
The perfect solution for all your hinges, hooks, and rotating metal parts!”

Couple each uses tube of Lubricat-All on the door hinge, squeaky drawer, and swing chain. They smile after each fixed problem.

“Best of all, Lubricat-All is safe for the environment! It contains no harsh chemicals, and is laytex free!”

Couple is shown in pajamas, stretching and going to bed.
“You’ll sleep soundly knowing all your squeaky noises are taken care of!”

Couple climbs in to bed and the springs squeak. The couple pause with surprised looks on their faces, then whip out the tube of Lubricat-All for the camera and smile!

Laugh track plays.

Then Theme jingle for Lubricat-All sounds off.

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