
Best Night of My Life

The music was loud and pulsing. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins. There was a smile on my face and I was positively glowing.

He walks up next to me and says, well yells over the music, “Wanna dance?”

I just smile and move over in front of him. When his hands touch my hips, my heart skips a beat. We immediately fall into rythme together. I place my hands over his and he laces his fingers through mine. I lean back into him and he rests his head on my shoulder.

The song changes, and the tempo increases, but we don’t miss a beat. We change simutaniously and continue together at the faster beat.

Suddenly the music dies and a slow song comes on. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck as he slides his hands around my waist, keeping my close. I look up into his liquid blue eyes and smile. He returns my smile, holding me even closer.

We stay like that for awhile, until his eyes flicker down. He leans in slowly, and so do I. As our lips met, butterflies explode in my chest and we both just smile.

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