

The church sermon was to begin shortly but for in the meantime everyone was standing in the lobby chatting quietly to each of their little groups. I stood with my family, for no one of my friends went to the same church as me.

That was when I felt someone’s hands go around my waist…unknown hands. I swiveled quickly around to see Redley staring me with his grey eyes, “Hello darling,” He whispered in my ear. I could smell the trace of whiskey along his breath, so I, politely as possible, removed his hands from my waist. He laughed, “She’s so innocent isn’t she?”
My parents laughed with him, “Yes. A little pure angel she is. Be lucky you caught this angel of ours.”
My nose wrinkled in distate at the smalzy angel talk, “I’m going to get some wine.” I walked off the the refreshment table, coming across some white wine. I chugged that cup and reached for a new one, making the tender’s eyebrows raise. I shrugged a took another glass.

I could tell that this was going to be a long wedding with us both drunk.

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