
I am Vaughn (at the Park)

She stared at me for a long time, unmoving. Eventually, she sighed and dropped her eyes, “I just… I can’t make that decision yet.”
“I understand,” I said quietly, “But you will have to decide at some point. No one else can tell you what to do about this. It’s your baby.”
She flinched back slightly, touching her stomach reflexively. “I just… can’t believe,” she breathed, wondering and amazed… and then she sighed, dropping her hand away from her abdomen and staring off blindly into the distance. “Can you imagine what they’d say?” she whispered, her eyes tearing up. “Oh god, Sarah would never let it rest and-”
“Fuck them,” I said, so angrily I caught her off guard. She stared at me, shocked.
And then she laughed. “Did you just say fuck?”
I sighed, “I’m serious, Brit. You can’t do things because of what other people think. Especially not this. You have to do what’s right. What’s right for you. I can’t tell you what to do, Cooper can’t, Sarah can’t. I know it’s hard, but this is all you.”

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