
Needing A Bit Of Hope

Chloe stepped over Jay and unlocked the door. Outside it, Mr. Penner glared at Chloe. “Who are you?â€?

Chloe laughed a little to herself and said, “I’m the girl your son raped.â€? Then, she headed out the front door. Outside, three police cars and a group of men waited.

“Are you Chloe Sunder?â€? someone yelled.

“Yes.â€? She said confidently as the men looked over her. Her with her cast, messy hair, messy clothes and somewhat bruised body.

“We found you. Finally.â€? A guy that appeared twenty gasped. “You can ride with me, Miss.â€? Chloe walked slowly toward him, every eye on her. It seemed like they were waiting for her to break down but her face was unemotional.

“He’s going to jail, right?â€? Chloe asked the guy quietly as he opened the door for her. The way her face appeared shocked him. Her eyes were determined, sad and full of depth all at the same time. She waited desperately for his answer and he decided that a hopeful-sounding lie would be best for her right now.

“Sure.â€? He whispered before closing the door.

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