
The interrogation

She held the knife and cleaned if off with her hanky. calmly she sat in the car till the police came. traffic stopped, people gathered to watch as the frail old lady was taken away, handcuffed.
At the station, she asked for a public defender. The cops were perplexed as to why she did this and admitted to being guilty of the crime. When the public defender arrived, she asked him if he had ever had a murder case before. His reply was no, this is his first. She patted him on the back and said, “good, this will be good practice for you.” She gave him the account of what happened but refused to say why. Investigators, psyhcologists, family, friends, doctors all took part of the interrogation but she held fast and refused to tell why she had murdered the man. “I want this to be swift as possible please, lets just get this over with.” she tells everyone. “Why had she done it? there is no connection between her and this man!” said the investigators
The old lady is taken off to prison to await her trial.

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