
Good Guy, Bad Guy Movies

The jury discussed for what felt like hours. The length of time made Chloe fidget and she kept reaching for Alex. He comforted her but stress was carved in her expressions. She needed an answer and she needed one now.

The judge got a slip of paper from a man and everyone shifted to attention. “This is one of the worst cases to deal with.â€? The judge began. “It’s the kind of case that keeps me up at night because in reality, there are many things to overcome. I just wish this wasn’t an issue. But it is. And he’s guilty.â€?

Jay growled when the silver clicked around his wrists. His eyes never left Chloe as he walked with security guards. Unfortunately, they had to walk by Chloe’s table to get through the back doors.

On the way by, Jay hissed silently under his breath, “You’ll pay.â€? Chloe flinched but then remembered something. Just like in the good-guy wins movies, the bad guy always says that and never ends up doing anything. Right?

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