
Journal Of A Gay Teen " Day 4 : Part 3

The second I walked in, He stopped his sobs and make it look like there was something in his eye. God forbid he lose his mansculinity in front of a fag like me.
“What’s the matter with your perfect little life?” I asked.
“What the hell are you talking about?” he snapped.
“Well your sobbing like a woman who’s just been dumped, something’s apparently wrong.”
His face sank.
“I saw you kiss Jacob and you looked so happy, and I still have to hide myself.”
I became filled with rage.
“Your telling me your gay!” I screamed.
“When I was getting my ass kicked off the radar on the locker room floor, you were gay and didn’t help me.” I was furious. The I realized what I did, he couldn’t help me. He couldn’t come out.
“I’m sorry.” I said sincearly.
“It’s ok, I should have helped you.” he said.
“Well your secrets safe with me.” I told him.
“Thanks so much.” he said and went to hug me.
“Umm whoa, dude stop being such a fag…... i’m kidding.” we laughed and continued the hug.
“Oh crap i’m late.” I said.

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