
I Know You All Hate Me, Stop Reminding Me with Your Hateful Thoughts!

I felt sick to my stomach. I practically ran through the halls, eyes averted to the ground to avoid the pitless stares of the upset. But that didn’t stop the thoughts barging in.

She did it. She made Bianca kill herself.

I read the note in the guidance office and that girl was mentioned in it. She did it.

She did it.

She did it.

When did everyone become some sort of jury? I ran towards the guidance conselor, detemined to see what the last words of Bianca were.

Oh God, there were so many people there, all in tears from Bianca’s death…and then they turned to see me and they all glared. I looked at the ground, “I-I want to read Bianca’s note.”

I hope she feels as guilty as hell.

I hope she goes and kills herself. All these thought hit me like daggers. But the conselor responded and handed my a piece of composition paper, though she even had a glare on her face.

I merely walked to a table and sat down to read Bianca’s hurried jotted down thoughts before she died.

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