
Strain 7

2011 was the year the virus hit. The world was too stubborn to accept that they were in a major crisis. Even the American president stated that Strain 7 was just a small epidemic in Iraq. But the virus spread like wild fire.

Soon it had plagued most of the world. Covering coast to coast of Australia, the continent fell into a nothingness that was so intoxicated, life was impossible.

The U.N. gathered to discuss the seriousness of the matter at hand. The only possible solution was to contain the areas that were completely contaminated, and to evacuate and sort out the people in areas that still had a fighting chance at surviving it. Towns, states, countries were evacuated or sealed off from the world.

Recently, a few individuals have been acquiring “powers”, when they obtain Strain 7. It is unknown as to why most die from the malady, yet others gain unnatural abilities.

The research project titled “Arrowhead” studies the deformities in this field, and more tests are being taken. *

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