
Now and Forever

Alone in a dark, damp, miserable dungeon. I hurt all over. Shackled to the wall. The shackles had cut long, deep, gashes in my skin. I cried fearing that I would never escape. I began to hallucinate. I saw a tall boyishly handsome girl walking hand in hand with another girl, holding her, kissing her. I cried harder with my very soul, my heart filled with powerful, consuming, love, longing, and desire. This was my nightmare.
In a vast field filled with people hating me for me. Alone and unloved, wrong for loving the same sex. Then, from the burning red and black auras of hate, a shining white and blue of peace and calm came to my side. She took me in her arms. We kissed. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Like I would burst from pure happiness and joy and love. When we broke apart, we were ready to face whatever prejudices came our way. This is my dream.
I love but am not loved in return. I watch from afar and hope I will receive the love I desire. I know that I never will. This will be my reality.

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