
Can You Help Me with My Frustration?

I want help with my frustration. Can you be the man to help me with my frustration? I want a man that will kiss me with the affection he feels for me. The slow movement of his mouth with mine as if time, had stopped the moment that our lips touched. I want a man that will hold me close as if the love of his life were dying in his arms. I want a man that will run his hands all over me as if he were exploring every inch of my body for the very first time. I want his soft lips to caress my body as if i were a delicate flower that would wilt under the pressure of his lips. I want him to massage me as if wanting me to feel no more pain ever again. I want a man that can show that he loves me for me the way that I am. I want a man that will be intertwined with my mind, body, and soul. I want him to be truthful, faithful, loving, and a God fearing man. Do you see why I am frustrated; I am looking for my equal, my other half; the one that will complete me. Are you that man; can you be that man?

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