
Minerva [anything.below.challenge]

Who names their kid Minerva these days anyway?

That’s what I’ve always wondered. Mom says Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom. What she forgets to say? Gee, I wish you were wise like she was, Minna. I really do.

See, I’ve got the worst judgement this side of the Atlantic. Just this week (the first week of high school) I’ve done about every stupid thing I could.

I dropped beef stew on the most popular girl in the grade. I inadvertently alerted the French teacher to the most popular guy’s gum-chewing. I chose just the wrong teacher to sass. And, as if all that weren’t bad enough?

I got into a huge fight with my best friend last night. The girl to whom I’ve told every secret I’ve ever had since the fifth grade. Only I told her just the wrong secret: that I’m sorta kinda in love with a guy. Who happens to be her ex. Her recent ex.

So I gotta ask you, Mom…what were you thinking when you named me Minerva?

[Tee-hee. Minerva’s so weird. She actually cares about popularity…]

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