
Raining Reveries...

Looking out the castle window, Ana watched the rain fall and ripple the surface of the lake below. Why could things be simple like this? Closing her eyes, Ana imagined days where she could just sit by this window and not have to worry about trackers or secrets.Leaning back on the stone wall she almost thought she was living that amazing life until she felt the cold steel of her blades against her back. Sighing Ana sat up and looked at her reflection in the glass shutter across from her. What reflected back would have been a prized face in the normal world. She was fair, had long brown layered hair with a streak of burgundy down the left side of her hair, and deep forest brown eyes. She was beautiful but in her world beauty didn’t help keep her alive. Everything depended on skill and intelligence. Which thankful she had a lot of, but always staying watchful for harm starts to get tiring. Ana’s reverie was broken by the banging on the large oak door a few floors below. “Time to go back to work….” Ana sighed.

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